Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Honor Among Vampires by Elizabeth Guizzetti Tour & Giveaway

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Gothic Horror/Vampire
novella in Paper Flower Consortium Universe.

Agata was first seen in Immortal House and Norma’s Cleaning Service Mysteries

Publisher: ZB Publications
Date Published: September 6, 2019

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Principality of Moldovia, 1509

While her beloved husband is away at war, Agata manages their estate and dairy. One night, she is called to assist a first-year heifer. She does not know a vampire lurks in the darkness. Agata wakes in the birthing barn disoriented, wounded, bitten, and defiled. Her son is injured, but alive. The herdsman is discovered with his throat gnawed open. Several cows are missing.

Plunged into a strange existence of monstrous cravings, she moves to secure her children’s futures before the details of the attack is known. News spreads quickly in her village. With the conviction she might regain her honor by defeating the vampire, Agata leaves her parish. Unaided, she crosses the mountains to an ancient crumbling Roman fort where it is said the vampire resides. However, the vampire doesn’t live alone.

About the author:

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Elizabeth Guizzetti is an illustrator and author best known for her demon-poodle based comedy, Out for Souls & Cookies. She is also the creator of Faminelands and Lure and collaborated with authors on several projects including A is for Apex and The Prince of Artemis V

To explore a different aspect of her creativity, she writes science fiction, fantasy and horror novels. Her debut novel, Other Systems, was a 2015 Finalist for the Canopus Award for excellence in Interstellar Fiction. Her short work has appeared in anthologies such as Wee Folk and The Wise and Beyond the Hedge.

She has had a lifelong love of vampires. Honor Among Vampires is her fourth vampire novella in the Paper Flower Consortium Universe.
Guizzetti lives in Seattle with her husband. When not writing or illustrating, she loves hiking, swimming, and birdwatching.

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Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Handmade Ho-Ho Homicide by Lois Winston Tour & Giveaway

Handmade Ho-Ho Homicide (An Anastasia Pollack Crafting Mystery) by Lois Winston


About Handmade Ho-Ho Homicide

8th in Series Independently Published 
Print Length: 212 pages 
Digital ASIN: B07VG2QZXV
Two and a half weeks ago magazine crafts editor Anastasia Pollack arrived home to find Ira Pollack, her half-brother-in-law, had blinged out her home with enough Christmas lights to rival Rockefeller Center. Now he’s crammed her small yard with enormous cavorting inflatable characters. She and photojournalist boyfriend (and possible spy) Zack Barnes pack up the unwanted lawn decorations to return to Ira. They arrive to find his yard the scene of an over-the-top Christmas extravaganza. His neighbors are not happy with the animatronics, laser light show, and blaring music creating traffic jams on their normally quiet street. One of them expresses his displeasure with his fists before running off.
In the excitement, the deflated lawn ornaments are never returned to Ira. The next morning Anastasia once again heads to his house before work to drop them off. When she arrives, she discovers Ira’s attacker dead in Santa’s sleigh. Ira becomes the prime suspect in the man’s murder and begs Anastasia to help clear his name. But Anastasia has promised her sons she’ll keep her nose out of police business. What’s a reluctant amateur sleuth to do?
Christmas craft projects included.

About Lois Winston

USA Today bestselling and award-winning author Lois Winston writes mystery, romance, romantic suspense, chick-lit, women’s fiction, children’s chapter books, and nonfiction under her own name and her Emma Carlyle pen name. Kirkus Reviews dubbed her critically acclaimed Anastasia Pollack Crafting Mystery series, “North Jersey’s more mature answer to Stephanie Plum.” In addition, Lois is a former literary agent and an award-winning craft and needlework designer who often draws much of her source material for both her characters and plots from her experiences in the crafts industry.
Author Links Website: www.loiswinston.com 
  Killer Crafts & Crafty Killers blog: www.anastasiapollack.blogspot.com P

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  October 15 – A Chick Who Reads – REVIEW 
  October 15 – Babs Book Bistro – CRAFT POST - Reading Is My SuperPower October 16 – Brooke Blogs – CRAFT POST 
  October 16 – Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book – SPOTLIGHT 
  October 17 – The Book Decoder – REVIEW 
  October 18 – Hearts & Scribbles – GUEST POST 
  October 18 – LibriAmoriMiei – REVIEW 
  October 20 – Cozy Up With Kathy – AUTHOR INTERVIEW 
  October 21 - Here's How It Happened – CHARACTER GUEST POST 
  October 22 – Mysteries with Character – AUTHOR INTERVIEW 
  October 22 – StoreyBook Reviews – GUEST POST 
  October 23 – Laura's Interests – SPOTLIGHT 
  October 23 – Baroness' Book Trove – REVIEW 
  October 23 – Eskimo Princess Book Reviews – SPOTLIGHT 
  October 24 – Celticlady's Reviews – SPOTLIGHT 
  October 24 – My Reading Journeys – REVIEW 
  October 25 – I Read What You Write – SPOTLIGHT 
  October 26 – Literary Gold – SPOTLIGHT 
  October 26 – Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book – AUTHOR INTERVIEW 
  October 27 – Elizabeth McKenna - Author – SPOTLIGHT 
  October 28 – My Journey Back – CHARACTER GUEST POST 
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Monday, October 14, 2019

Crimson Roses by Tess Thompson

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Romantic Suspense
Date Published: October 2019

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Pepper Chan tried to leave the scars of her abduction behind her when she joined her current veterinary practice. However, a chance encounter with Roddy Eastman, the brother of her former best friend, leaves her shaken and desperate to keep her distance. The last thing Pepper wants to do is relive the terrible ordeal from so many years ago. Her kidnapper was never caught, and Pepper is afraid to trust anyone.

Attorney Roddy Eastman is determined to find out why Dr. Chan wants to avoid him. He tries to convince himself that his drive to seek out answers from her is just his concern for his sister’s friend and not something deeper—like his long-standing attraction to her since high school.

The sudden murder of her boyfriend makes it clear that a deranged murderer is taunting Pepper, waiting for the right moment to strike. When Pepper reluctantly reaches out to him, Roddy offers her his help. Together, they must dig into her past to uncover the identity of the stalker before his twisted plans can become a reality.

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The raven-haired veterinarian stepped into the examining room and watched as a frustrated man tried to gain control of the angry, spitting cat climbing up his arm.

After tightening his grip on the short-haired, gray feline, he looked up at her. She recognized the boyish smile on the handsome man’s face. It was Roddy Eastman, and he was even more attractive now than he had been when they were in high school in Angel Falls. “How can I help you, Mr. Eastman?”

His eyes widened, and he stammered, “Pepper Chan?”

She smiled and said, “Yes, it’s me. Long time no see. How’s your sister? I think about her often.”

“Kris is great.”

“When did you move to Albuquerque?” she said.

“I went to UNM, and after I graduated I stayed.”

“I understand you’ve acquired a new cat?”

“No, I mean, yes, but he acquired me, not the other way around. He showed up on my porch one day and has refused to leave. He thinks it’s okay to come into my house and sleep on my bed.” His eyes twinkled and he grinned. “I’m sorry. I’m babbling like an idiot.”

Pepper was amused at his efforts to control the cat. She hoped he wouldn’t lose a finger as he set the beat-up tom on the stainless-steel table. The animal hissed again, but Roddy held it firmly. She began to examine the cat and then heard a tap on the door.

Pepper turned toward her partner who was speaking from the doorway.

“Sorry, to interrupt, Pepper, but there’s a surgical emergency out here that I’d be more comfortable placing in your hands. I can take over here if you don’t mind?”

“Okay with you, Roddy?” Pepper said.

“Yeah, that’s fine. It was great seeing you again. I’ll tell Kris.”

~ ~ ~

Pepper had rushed out of the room so quickly that Roddy wasn’t sure she’d ever been there, or if she was merely a wishful daytime fantasy.

The doctor who took over for Pepper was a tall, buxom woman with blond hair and brown eyes peering out from glasses. She was a couple of inches shorter than he was, and she spoke with a distinctive Boston accent. She was friendly enough and seemed to take in stride the quick change in plans.

“Looks like this old boy has been around the block a few times, literally,” the vet said. “I’m Doctor Barbara Ashland, and what is this fellow’s name?”

“Devil Cat,” Roddy said giving the animal his best stern fatherly look. Changing the subject, he said, “I noticed Dr. Chan still uses her maiden name for the business. I guess she’s never been married?”

The look Ashland sent him made it clear how out-of-line his question had been.

“Sorry,” he muttered. “I knew her in high school.”

“I see. Well, I’ve been her partner for over a year, all I can tell you is she isn’t married now.” She scratched Devil Cat between the ears. “What’s the story?” Dr. Ashland said.

For a minute, Roddy thought she was talking about Pepper, but then he realized the doctor was asking about the cat. “One day, he showed up on my front porch and wouldn’t go away. So I fed him, and then next thing I knew, every time I opened the door he came inside. Seems to think he belongs there.” Roddy reached out and gave the cat a gentle pat. “To tell you the truth, the dang thing has grown on me.”

Dr. Ashland picked up a clipboard. “He needs shots, a check for worms, and he’ll need to be neutered, of course, but otherwise he looks good. You want to leave him today?”

“Uh, yeah, I guess.” Roddy’s brain was still trying to grasp what the vet had said, and he wanted to grab his own balls and hold on to them. He leaned over and whispered in the cat’s ear, “Sorry, man, I really am. I bet if you’d known this was going to happen, you’d have gone to someone else’s porch.”

~ ~ ~

Roddy rolled down the window on his pickup and threaded the cool breeze through his fingers. Early spring was one of his favorite seasons in Albuquerque, even if Mother Nature was fickle and unpredictable. Today, it was in the high seventies, but tomorrow a front could come pushing in and drop the temperatures into the forties. Most of the snow had melted off Sandia Peak, and the redbud trees were popping their blooms.

He sang along to a country love song on the radio, Roddy thought back to Pepper’s haunting eyes. She had been so gorgeous back when he was fifteen. Time had been good to her. She was still breathtaking. Her Chinese ancestry was evident in her shiny black hair and the shape of her eyes, but not their color. They were a deep, dark, indigo blue.

She had been his first serious crush, although she never gave him a second look. He remembered she had moved after her senior year, and he had thought about her now and again over the years. His older sister Kris was in the same grade as Pepper. Maybe she would know something more about her.

His truck bumped over the gravel road leading to his home and property. He’d scrimped and saved to put the down payment on the land when he’d first taken a position as a criminal defense attorney right out of law school. A few more years of saving and a couple of good verdicts had brought him more affluent clients who gave his bank account a much-needed boost. He was able to build a cozy, ranch-style home in Belen, a small community on the outskirts south of Albuquerque.

Kris’s black Dodge Ram was parked next to the barn where she kept her two prized quarter horses. After her separation from her husband, Roddy suggested she move in with him until she got back on her feet. Kris was still angry with her ex-husband. The rotten, drunken, SOB, as she liked to call him, had managed to gamble away almost everything they ever owned. All she had left were the horses and the truck because they were in her name before she married.

 “Hey, little girl,” Roddy greeted his sister as he watched her groom the handsome chestnut horse.

“Hey, yourself,” she said, straightening up from cleaning out the animal’s hind hoof. “I thought you were going to drop off Hell Cat and go to your office.”

“Please, Sis, get it right. It’s Devil Cat. You’ll hurt his feelings.”

She put the horse’s leg down and walked toward Roddy. “I don’t see him anywhere around. I think I’m safe. I gather they could take care of him today?”

“Yeah, poor guy. He’s going to lose his nuts you know.”

“Weren’t you expecting that?”

“Eventually I guess, but not today.”

“Better him than you,” she laughed and punched him hard on the arm.

“Hey,” Roddy said. “What was that for? Because you hate the male species?”

“Not all,” she said, “just most. What’s up? Why are you back so early?”

After opening the gate to the pasture, Kris gently swatted the horse on the rump. Roddy helped her put the grooming tools away, and they walked back toward the house. “I can work from home tonight. I don’t have anything pressing, and I want to talk to you about something,” Roddy said.

“Okay. What?”

“Do you remember Pepper Chan from high school?”

“Wow! Talk about a blast from the past,” Kris said while kicking off her muddy boots near the back door. “Sure, I remember Pepper. Why?”

“I saw her today. She’s a veterinarian now.”

“Small world isn’t it? I was so sad when her mom died, and she had to move and go live with her dad. We said we’d stay in contact with each other, and we did until we both started college. After that, I got a couple of emails and phone calls, but then they stopped. I always hated that we lost touch.” Kris moved toward the kitchen sink to wash her hands and said, “Well, how is she? How does she look? Is she married?”

 “Beats me. Pepper didn’t stick around long enough for me to ask. She had an emergency, and another vet took over."

“I remember hearing that something bad happened to her when she was in college,” Kris said, “but I never knew what.”

“Strange,” Roddy said, opening the refrigerator and taking out a beer. “I wonder what it was?”

“And you’re not going to leave it alone are you?”

“Not a chance.”

About the Author

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Charlene Tess and Judi Thompson are sisters who live over 1400 miles apart. They combined their two last names into the pen name Tess Thompson and have been writing novels together since 2002.

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Saturday, October 5, 2019

143 by Laramie Briscoe Release Blitz, Review & Giveaway

Title: Room 143
Author: Laramie Briscoe
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: October 5, 2019


Around my neck lies a wedding ring.

In my right hand I hold a hotel room key.

Which one do I pick?

The marriage? The key?

Everything is not as it seems in room one-forty-three

*This isn't a cheating book!*

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Author Bio

Laramie Briscoe is the USA Today and Wall Street Journal Bestselling Author of over 30 books.

Since self-publishing her first book in May of 2013, Laramie has appeared on the Top 100 Bestselling E-books Lists on iBooks, Amazon Kindle, Kobo, and Barnes & Noble. Her books have been known to make readers laugh and cry. They are guaranteed to be emotional, steamy reads.

When she's not writing alpha males who seriously love their women, she loves spending time with friends, reading, and marathoning shows on Netflix. Married to her high school sweetheart, Laramie lives in Bowling Green, KY with her husband (the Travel Coordinator) and a sometimes crazy cat named Beau.

Text LARAMIE to 88202 to join the new release list! 

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I have read almost all of Miss Laramie's books. Now, I was hesitant about this one, only because she has said it was like no other book she has published so far. Well, let me tell you she again has blown me away.

I can't imagine how Nash felt for the 5 years after he lost everything to a car accident. He has to make a decision, does he stay in the depths of despair or does he take the chance his brothers set up for him. Now, reading how he changed over the course of the book was something to behold. You will laugh, sigh, and most definitely shed a few tears while reading this small town adventure.

Caroline is helping out her friend for the night. Little does she know that favor will change the course of her life. Laramie sure did score big with this one. I hope she writes more stories like this. Maybe even books about some characters from this Room 143! *hint, hint*