Thursday, November 6, 2014

Betrayal by Margaret Bingley Relase Day & Giveaway

Title: Betrayal

Author: Margaret Bingley

Date of Publication: November 4th 2014

Set in the second half of the twentieth century, Lisa Green comes from a world of privilege, but only in the way of wealth, not in love. When a turn of events leaves her single, with an Autistic child to raise, without the means to support herself, Lisa gets stuck in an abusive new relationship that she is desperate to get out of. BETRAYAL catalogs one womans search for love without conditions, sexual or otherwise, in a world that seems bent against her.

Buy the Book!


He couldn't pinpoint the exact moment when it began to go wrong, but the increasing number of times that Bishop rang him with night work was an irritant, while the work itself preyed on his mind, eating away at his nerves. Even then it only showed in small, petulant out-breaks of temper that never seemed to ruffle Lisa.

No, if there was one moment when he knew it couldn't last it was on the Friday night at the end of May when he arrived back at the maisonette, worn out by countless retakes and sudden script changes, longing for a quick shower and bed and instead found Lisa dressed up in a black backless dress, the table set for an intimate dinner for two.

'What the hell's up?' he snapped. 'It isn't my birthday, is it?'

Realising that he was in a mood, Lisa didn't laugh. She'd already learnt that he didn't like being laughed at. 'Of course not. It's just that I've got something to tell you and I thought it would make a nice change if I cooked you a decent meal for once.'

'I fancy fish and chips,' he said churlishly, and slammed off to the bathroom.
When he emerged wearing his oldest pair of denims and a short-sleeved shirt with a hole in the back she realised that he wasn't going to go along with her plan. Sighing inwardly, she placed a stuffed pepper in front of him.

'What's this?'

'An hors d'oeuvre.'

'Why not just call it a starter, you stuck-up bitch?' he complained, reaching for the wine bottle lying in its wicker basket. 'I'll have a drink instead. How about you?'

'You know I don't drink red wine.'

'Bloody affectation. You can drink some tonight, can't you?'

Despite knowing that she'd end up with a migraine she decided she'd better placate him and held out her glass. 'Only a little, thanks.'

Filling it to the top, he smiled unpleasantly. 'Drink it all up!'

She wasn't quite sure how to handle his mood and felt uneasy. 'I will, later on,' she promised.


'Toby, I don't want it. I '

Picking up the plate with the stuffed pepper still on it, he flung it across the room. 'Then I don't want your bloody pepper filled with dog meat!'

'Toby, please'

'Toby, please!' he mimicked.

She went over to the stove and produced the Chinese-style steaks she'd prepared. He looked suspiciously at his. 'What the hell's all that stuff round the meat?'

'What on earth's the matter with you?' she snapped, losing her patience. 'I'm tired,' he said sullenly. 'I wanted a bit of peace and quiet, not all this fuss.'

'I'm very sorry but unfortunately I'm not psychic, and it so happens that I wanted to tell you something important tonight.'

'You're moving out? Hurrah!' 'I'm pregnant.'

'Oh, well, that's You're what?'

'Pregnant. Toby, I know it isn't what we intended but ' 'Who's the father?' he asked softly

About Margaret Bingley

Margaret Bingley was born in Sutton, Surrey and educated at Sutton High School for Girls GPDST, where she won the school English prize, and then at Rickards Lodge Secretarial College in Wimbledon. After that she went to work at the BBC in London, and later moved to work for The Heinemann Group of Publishers at Lower Kingswood in Surrey, where she met her future husband, Alan.

In 1974, Margaret and Alan moved to Grantham in Lincolnshire and In 1976 their son, Alex, was born. One day, after reading a particularly boring book, she decided to try and write one herself and eventually, after many trials and tribulations, her first book THE DEVILS CHILD was published. Much of the book was based on those early, halcyon days of motherhood.

She continued writing steadily from 1983 onwards, and in February 2000 she also started writing a weekly column of 400 words for the local paper, The Grantham Journal, entitled The Way I See It.

Apart from her work, Margaret enjoys reading, opera, dry white wine, Foyles War (or anything else with Michael Kitchen in it!) and gardening.

She does not like reality TV shows, alternative comedians or Political Correctness.


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