Friday, April 4, 2014

Blog Tour & Giveaway: Alpha Mine by Brenda Sparks

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Title: Alpha Mine
Author: Brenda Sparks   
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Tour Host:
Lady Amber's Tours


In the shadows of the night, there exists a band of warriors--a group of vampires, known as the Alpha Council. Their formidable leader, Stephan von Haas, has vowed to protect not only his kind but the humans existing alongside them. His duty comes before all else--until a sassy blonde saunters into his life. 
When a sensual, dark-haired stranger walks into Katrina Spencer's life, he stirs her deepest desires and sweeps her into a world beyond her wildest dreams. But when Katrina is targeted by Stephan's enemies, reality shifts into something violent and deadly, as she is thrust into a realm where vampires stalk the shadows and vengeance is coming for her. 
Together they will confront an extraordinary destiny of peril, passion, and dark pleasures. But when one horrid mistake brings retribution, their love may pay the price.

Author Bio: 

Brenda Sparks has always loved all things spooky and enjoys incorporating paranormal elements in her writing. She refuses to allow pesky human constraints to get in the way of telling the story. Luckily the only thing limiting her stories is her imagination. Her characters are strong, courageous, and she adores spending time with them in their imaginary world.
Her idea of a perfect day is one spent in front of a computer with a hot cup of coffee, her fingers flying over the keys to send her characters off on their latest adventure.
Brenda loves connecting with readers. To connect with Brenda or for more information on her books, including excerpts, free reads, and more, visit her website.
Author Links: 
Buy Links: 
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“So tell me, young one, is Kat short for something or did your parents just have a fascination with felines?”
“It’s short for Katrina. But everyone calls me Kat.”
She began to gather the playing cards from the table, but Stephan stilled her shaking hands by covering them with his own. Something akin to an electric current passed between them. Katrina gazed at Stephan, drinking him in, dangerous, magnificent, and so very beautiful.
“Where are my manners?” she asked, her voice quivering. “Would you like a drink?”
“You read my mind,” he replied as he rose, pulling her toward him. “I am a little parched, actually.”
Their eyes locked and Kat once again fell into his dark gaze. Her mind detached, as if  she watched herself from above. The feel of his mouth registered on her lips, while
the smell of sandalwood engulfed her. His lips feathered kisses down her jaw, coming to a rest where her shoulder met her throat. She swooned. His arms closed around her like a set of steel bands, pulling her up against his firm body. Kat moaned when his tongue flicked out to taste her sensitive skin. He inhaled deeply against her neck causing goose bumps to pimple her flesh.
“Honeysuckle,” he murmured, his lips brushing against her flesh. His fangs lengthened, scraping the skin where her pulse beat, sending her heart racing. He cupped her bottom in one hand and tightened his arm around her waist. Her body stiffened only a little as  he pulled her tighter against him, lifting her off her feet.


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1 comment:

  1. Thank you very much for featuring my story and being a part of my tour! I hope you have a fabulous Friday! Happy Reading!! :D
