Monday, December 17, 2012

Review: Deja Blue by Julie Cassar

Review: Deja Blue by Julie Cassar
Published June 2012

Ruby's back with her fairy friends and this time, she stumbles upon some of the mysteries of the Water Court. Now, being pursued by an unknown force, Ruby's fairy friends step in to protect her. However, trouble seems to follow Ruby around every corner and even her fairy guardians need to call in reinforcements...but at what cost? Faced with a seemingly impossible challenge, Ruby must decide if and how she will help out her fairy friends. Will she pledge her allegiance to the Earthen Court? Or will she find new comfort and protection in the Water Court? Become entangled and entranced in Ruby's latest adventure and relive the magic in "Deja Blue," the second installment of the Ruby Blue Series

My Review:
Again, I didn't want to put this book down (ok my kindle). I am eagerly waiting for book 3.
Deja Blue has all the characters from Ruby Blue, plus mermaids and trolls!

I must say though, that I really wanted to smack Jeremy. I know he is a gay teen, but he was getting annoying. He was still funny at times, but even Ruby wanted to smack him (I think) in the story.
This book picks up really right after book 1 stopped.
Little Miss Ruby, is learning more about her fairy friends and the life of Fey.  And its frustrating for her to only get pieces of info from her friends.  At times she gets so upset that she ends up in a yelling match with Brennan.  She is also at the end of her rope with them assuming she knows things about Fey, that she only believes is "fairy tales or legends".  In book one we learned she learned she is getting Fey abilities, and now we are learning what those are.  She is learning to deal with those
abilities and is fearing others she might have.

I honestly loved the little twist thrown in the story, and Ruby's thoughts at the end. Can't wait to read book 3!
four and 1/2 stars!!!!!!
(I was given this book by the author for an honest review


  1. Catchy title and Ruby & Blue, crafty.

    Happy holidays!

    1. Thanks for commenting Braine, you are now entered in the Contest for a Kindle copy of Ruby Blue!
      Happy Holidays to you!
