Friday, August 15, 2014

Always Conall bySibylla Matilde Release Blitz

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  Always Conall 
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 ***** Mature Content, Sexual Situations, Adult Situations, Strong Language *****

To him, I was only just Sage, Matt Nichols’ little sister. But I've worshiped Conall my whole life. My brother's best friend. My secret crush. My first and only love. Always hoping he’d really see... me.

And then, a torrent of circumstances ripped through my life. One by one, my family began to crumble. My dad's heart attack. My brother's tragic death. My mother's slipping sanity. And then Conall's abandonment. He took my heart when he left, but he gave me a reason to grow up fast, to be strong, and to live.

Now, just when things finally start looking up, he's back in Bitterroot. Standing before me, not the boy he once was, but a man. Just when I’m on the cusp of living again. Just when I’m starting to feel like I could let go of the past and be happy without him, the feelings I set aside for all those years are raging once again through my veins. My tight control is slipping. The future I've so carefully mapped out now seems so uncertain.

He’s changed, but he hasn’t. I hate him for leaving, but I love him for coming home.

But will he stay? And do I really, truly want him to after he shattered me before?


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About the Cover
Photography provided by: CJC Photography
Cover Model: Brian Laferriere
Other works

About the Author
Sibylla Matilde
Sibylla Matilde grew up in the mountain valleys of Southwest Montana exploring the dusty Old West gold country on the back of a horse. She attended a two-room schoolhouse beginning in 1st grade & had the same teacher until she changed schools after 7th. Beginning at about age 12, Sibylla discovered historical romance, feeding off of work of Jude Deveraux & Lisa Kleypas. She loves a book that can make the reader run the gamut of emotions, from the sweet glow of new love to gut-wrenching heartache. She is a true romantic & always has stories floating around in her head, living in a fantasyland until she writes them down to free them.
Music is her emotional trigger. Growing up with a Wagnarian-loving mother, Sibylla was raised to treasure music that digs deep into the psyche, drawing out elation, sorrow, grief, desire. The soundtrack to her life includes many genres spanning centuries. She looooooooves Thirty Seconds to Mars (rather obsessively, actually… but, really, how can you NOT be crazy about this guy!? Jared Leto. Shhh. ) & pimps them out to all her friends through Spotify. She also delights in Met Opera HD broadcasts at her local movie theater & hopes (listening Met?) to someday see Diana Damrau reprise her role as Mozart’s Queen of the Night in Die Zauberflöte. Sibylla lives with her husband and hero who saved her from her own calamitous, young-adult self. He makes her laugh daily, even when things are tough. He’s proved to her that love really can heal a shattered soul. In 18 years, they have never had a fight, although argue regularly with their two teenage kids who have, unfortunately, inherited their father’s quick wit (unfortunate as it is a quick wit that Sibylla, herself, definitely does not possess – there is a reason she is a writer & not a stand-up comedian). They live a quiet life with their two weird little rescued Chiweenies. Wait… teenagers & little yap-dogs? OK, maybe not so quiet.

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