Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Cover Reveal & Giveaway: Taming Ryder by Nicola Haken

Cover Reveal
Taming Ryder-smashwords_1800x2700
Book Title: Taming Ryder (Souls of the Knight, #2) Author: Nicola Haken Genre: M/M Romance Release Date: September 2014 Hosted by: Book Enthusiast Promotions
You met Ryder Richardson in Being Sawyer Knight. Now, this is his story. I’ve done it. I’ve stuck a whopping two fingers up at my parents, I’ve made a name for myself as one of the world’s biggest porn stars and I’ve finally found a family I belong in. Life is amazing. I get paid to do all my favourite things. Fuck. Party. Travel the world. What’s not to love? And then he comes along. Mason George – Back Door Studio’s newest exclusive model and the guy who has the potential to either fuck it all up, or take me on the best ride of my life. ~ Ryder I’m desperate. I’ve got nothing and nobody left. Entering the daunting world of adult entertainment is less of a dream and more of a necessity. Signing as Back Door Studio’s latest model has the ability to either ruin or make me, but I made a vow at my first audition never to let myself regret it. I continue to question myself each day, but no amount of what’s, why’s or what ifs will change where I am or where I’m heading. Am I strong enough to do this? To embrace it? To enjoy it? I have no idea. The only thing I’m certain of, is that if anyone can teach me who I’m supposed to be, it’s Ryder Richardson. ~ Mason “Because the most exciting things in life always happen via the back door” excerpt 
 “Perfect! You’re getting into the spirit faster than I thought you would.” “Why’d you say that?” “I just get the feeling this isn’t your first choice sometimes. The porn I mean.” Mason’s eyebrows furrowed, his eyes narrowing as he contemplated my words. “Maybe it’s not. But I chose this, and as with every other job I’ve ever had I will give it my everything. To say I’m doing this because I’ve no other choice, like I’m being forced into it or only doing it because I’m desperate is disrespectful to both the industry and to me.” “Hey, that’s not what I meant,” I said genuinely, worried I’d offended him. “Oh I know you didn’t. I just wanted to put it out there, that’s all. I don’t know many people, but of those I do I know they’ll judge me for this when they find out. Too many people assume going into this industry means we’re either damaged, desperate or fucking whores who deserve to be seen as nothing more than a walking fuck hole.” “Well fuck ‘em. Anyone who doesn’t see you for who you are isn’t worth knowing. We’re all in it for different reasons, and those reasons are no one else’s goddamn business. It’s just a job. A fucking great job, but still a job nonetheless.” “You really think it’s a great job?” “Sure I do! I love sex, and I get to fuck hot guys for a living. Who wouldn’t love that?” “But it’s different, no? I know I’ve only done one scene, but it’s a whole different ballgame than when you’re intimate with someone.” “I don’t do intimacy, so I wouldn’t know.” “So, you’ve never had a relationship?” “No. Not something I’m looking for.” “You don’t think it’d work? Being in porn?” “It’s got nothing to do with the porn. A few of the guys are in relationships. Gio’s been with his guy almost a year and they’re still going strong. It’s just not something I want, regardless of the career I’ve chosen.” “You must get lonely though. We all do. Don’t you hope to find someone you can just… I don’t know, share things with one day? Be there for you?” “No,” I said curtly, hoping my tone would be enough to stop him probing further. Meet the Author
Nicola Haken
Author of the New Adult/Contemporary novels Missing Pieces, Saving Amy and the Take My Hand series, and m/m erotic romance Souls of the Knight series.
I live in Rochdale, England with my wonderful family and when I'm not playing with my imaginary friends I can usually be found looking after my four adorable (sometimes!) children (six if you include the dogs, seven if you include the hubby!) or stalking gay porn stars! All in all I'm just an ordinary mum with an addiction to reading about hot book guys, writing about hot book guys, tattoos and Pepsi Max! Oh, and if my kids ever ask... I moonlight as the Pink Power Ranger ;-)Social Links
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