Thursday, December 4, 2014

Blog Tour & Review: Beautifully Used by Susan Griscom

Author: Susan Griscom 
Genre: Contemporary Romance 18+ due to adult situations
Series: Beaumont Brothers, Book 2 ~ Standalone
Suave, handsome Brodie Beaumont has a history of using and being used by women. Playing bass in his brother's band doesn't hurt. A past he doesn't like to talk about has turned him into the type of guy he is today, but he hasn't really cared. Until the beautiful and feisty Gabrielle Demeres comes back into his life.

Gabrielle learned the hard way what type of guy Brodie was the first time she met him. His crude seduction attempt earned him a slap to his face, and Gabrielle wasn't exactly looking forward to another encounter with the cad. Unfortunately, her best friend was marrying Brodie's brother, and Gabrielle and Brodie would be forced to spend time together whether she liked it or not.

As things in the small, quiet town of Turtle Lake take a decidedly dark and dangerous turn, Gabrielle and Brodie only have each other to turn to. Will they be capable of overcoming their aversion to one another while coping with their own troubled pasts and dealing with the current dangers surrounding them? Or is their hostility just skating the fine line between love and hate?

Candi's 5* Review:

This is the 2nd book in the Beumont Brothers series and it focuses on Jackson's brother Brodie and Lena's best friend Gabrielle. Although this could be read as a standalone I highly recommend reading Beautifully Wounded first because this book will also focus on Jackson and Lena's wedding. After reading BW I knew I couldn't wait to get my hands on Brodie's book and I absolutley loved it!! After having his heart crushed in the past Brodie doesn't do relationships and because of her horrible past Gabrielle doesn't trust men or get close to anyone but when they are brought together for Jackson and Lena's wedding the sparks will fly. Their last encounter wasn't the greatest so will things be different this time around? Will they finally get over their love/hate relationship and get a HEA?

Between the great characters, the mystery, suspence and major hotness if you haven't one clicked this series yet....I highly recommend doing so. Awesome job Susan!!




The house was quiet when I came home. Gabrielle must have set the three-tiered floor lamp in the corner of the living room on the lowest setting, which gave the room a soft romantic ambiance. I almost wished I had someone to enjoy it with. It was still early, not quite pasteight o’clock. I wondered if Gabrielle was still up. This was the first night in about two weeks that I’d stayed at the bar past six. I’d been covering most of the day shifts so I could be home at night, and had hired another guy to help fill in some of the shifts that Derrick and I juggled. Jackson even came and worked for a few hours on the nights Lena waited tables and the nights before the band started playing. I didn’t like the idea of Gabrielle being in the house alone at night. The evenings that the band played, Gabrielle came in to listen and was invited up to sing with us several times by Jackson. Gabrielle and Lena had a great harmony going on that the crowd went ape-shit over every time they sang together. I had to admit, their sound was unique, and I enjoyed playing with the band those nights more than the usual.

The house seemed unusually quiet. I wanted to call out to her, then considered that she might be sleeping and that it would be rude of me to wake her. I peeked in the kitchen, but she wasn’t there. Hunger pangs tugged at my stomach, but I needed a shower first, so I walked quietly down the hall toward my room. Passing hers on the way, I glanced in since her door was open. There she was, sitting, head bent over her laptop as her fingers flew over the keys, her long brown hair pulled back into a long ponytail that draped over her right shoulder and kissed the top of her bare thigh. She wore a t-shirt covering a small portion of that thigh, but it looked to me like the t-shirt was the only thing she had on. “Hey,” I said.

She looked up at me and smiled, oblivious to the fact that she was sitting there looking so sexy and tantalizing. I had a hard time keeping myself planted in the door jamb instead of pouncing onto the bed and pulling her into a long seductive kiss. Any red-blooded male would have. God, this woman drove me nuts. How would I ever survive this arrangement?

“Hi. You worked late. Did you have a chance to eat dinner?” Her melodious words jarred me from my intemperate, seductive thoughts.

“Uh … no. You?”

“No. I waited. I’ve been craving sushi and hoped I could convince you to do take out.”

I fished my phone out of my pocket and looked at the white neon 8:12 on the display. It’s kind of late. We could call and see if they’ll still deliver this late. I searched through my contacts and located the local sushi restaurant, well, the only sushi restaurant. Lucky for us, they delivered. Even luckier, they were still open for business. “Hold on just a sec,” I said into the phone and handed it to her. “Here, order whatever you want.” I pulled out my wallet, snatching out my credit card and handing it to her. “I like everything, but make sure to add in some spicy stuff. I’m gonna hop in the shower. See if they’ll deliver a bottle of saké too. Something dry and bold. We have some celebrating to do.” I turned quickly before she could ask me anything, leaving her with the phone, and headed to my room. I wanted to yell back and tell her to put some clothes on, but thought better of it. She probably had short shorts on that I couldn’t see. Gabrielle wasn’t the type to sit around in her underwear with her door open.

Hot water flowed over my head and I closed my eyes, but all I saw was flesh; the silky flesh of Gabrielle’s thighs. As I spread the soap over my chest and stomach, I grabbed my already stiff cock in my hand, realizing I should have made it a cold shower. When was the last time I’d gotten laid? And why had it been so long? Women usually didn’t affect me the way Gabrielle did. The desire to be with her grew stronger every day, and I didn’t think she hated me anymore. God she was beautiful. Sexy too, sitting there over her laptop. I wondered what she was typing. A scene from her book, no doubt. Was it a sex scene? Did she even write those? What kind of sex scene would Gabrielle write? I thought of Gabrielle typing a scene about a fourteenth-century warrior from the Scottish Highlands taking pleasure in the damsel he’s just rescued. I closed my eyes, becoming that warrior as Gabrielle’s lips grazed over my stomach, tantalizing me with the tip of her tongue going lower and lower until she licked the tip of my cock. The smooth texture of her tongue gliding over me was almost too much to bear. She shifted her position and climbed on top of me, urgently guiding me. I held on tightly as she sat on top of me gyrating her hips, taking me in as deep as I would go until I could feel the wall of her cervix against my tip, in and out, until she called out my name. I must have been pumping unconsciously as my release had me falling back against the cold shower wall. I opened my eyes to find cum all over the shower door. “Shit.”


Series: Beaumont Brothers, Book 1
What would you do if you had no place to go and no one you could trust? 

Jackson Beaumont prides himself on being a nature-loving, guitar-strumming, carefree sort of guy. When the mysterious Lena Benton walks into his bar looking scared and defeated, it's not something he can ignore. He's immediately consumed by concern for her and driven by his desire to help. She's just so beautiful. So wounded. 

After being shuffled from one foster home to another growing up, Lena Benton dreamt of finding her prince charming. When the captivating Troy Harington sweeps her off her feet shortly after high school graduation, she's certain she's found her happiness. Unfortunately, Troy's true colors surface shortly after their marriage and things turn ugly. Lena only has one choice. She has to leave him. She has to run... 

Lena's escape has brought her to Jackson, and he clearly wants to be there for her, but can she trust anyone again after what she's gone through? And will Jackson be able to help her heal without losing his heart?

Candi's 5* Review:

This was my first Susan Griscom book but if def won't be my last!!

Lena Harington has had enough!! She knows if she stays with her abusive husband Troy any longer he will kill her just like her stepfather killed her mother. When Troy comes home one night and starts abusing her yet again the only way to get away is to stab him in the stomach with a knife. Not knowing if she killed him or not she knows she has to run and leave it all behind.

Jackson Beaumont has the need to protect the injured whether it is human or animal. When Lena stumbles in his bar there is just something about her he knows he can't resist. He knows it could bring danger to his door but he doesn't care, he will do everything to help his fawn.

Lena knows she needs to go before Troy finds her but there is something about Jackson. The longer they are together, the more she opens up to him and soon finds herself in a comfortable and happy place in her life but what will happen when an old friend of hers shows up at the bar to warn her about Troy? Will she be able to get away before it is to late? I loved Jackson!! He was so sweet, patient and understanding with Lena.

I can't forget to mention Jackson's brother Brodie. He is such a man whore!! When Lena's friend comes to visit, will she be able to change his ways? I can't wait for his book to come out and I hope we get more on Lena and Jackson in it!!


Susan Griscom

I daydream often. If I didn't write, I think my mind would explode from an overload of fantasy and weirdness. To the annoyance of my friends and family, my characters sometimes become a part of my world. During my childhood, I would frequently get in trouble in school for daydreaming. Eventually, my vivid imagination paid off and I had the privilege of writing and co-directing my sixth-grade class play--a dreadful disaster; though not from my writing, of course, I must blame it on the acting.
The craft of writing, although dormant for years, never really left me. Many years later, and with the help of technology, I let my imagination run wild again. 

Born in a small town in Pennsylvania, I enjoy writing about characters living in small quaint towns. I tend to lean toward the unusual and spooky. I read all genres but I love reading paranormal romance and like writing in that genre.

My paranormal playing field delves into a different milieu, abandoning vampires and werewolves, but not discounting them. Someday I might like to write a novel about vamps and those furry creatures. But for now I like the bizarre mixed with romance. A strong hero or heroine confronted with extraordinary forces of nature, powers and capabilities gets my blood running.

I live in Northern California with my very romantic husband, my small yippy dog, Riley, and my humungous black cat, Saké. My family consists of his and her children; four wonderful sons, one beautiful daughter, and seven grandchildren. My greatest love in life is my family and those large and ever growing holiday dinners.

I enjoy traveling. I hate running, but do it once in a while. Reading and writing are my favorite pastimes.

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