Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Blog Tour & Review: Shattered by Love by C.A. Harms

Author: C.A. Harms
Series: Scarred by Love, Book 3
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Publisher: Limitless Publishing
He was the one.

The man she wanted with all her heart. 

But it took years before Bree realized she deserved more then what Max was willing to give.

Max, was cocky and arrogant…

Too strong-headed to admit that he felt more for Bree than just lust. 

Then it happened… 

One devastating night, and it shook Max to his very core.

That’s when he began to see life in whole new way. 

Now he’s left to sort through the mess that he’s created. 

Will he be able to rise above it all and make amends with those he needs the most?

Or will the damage be irreversible and leave him longing for what could have been?
Candi's 5* Review:
OMG this series just keeps getting better and better!! Shattered by Love is the third book in the Scarred by Love series and focuses on Max and Bree. Each book can be read as a standalone by I highly recommend reading them in order :)

For years Bree has been in love with Max and wanted nothing more than to share a life with him but for Max settling down is the last thing he wants. Max is a firefighter and after that little snippet at the end of book 2 I was dying to get my hands on this book. I had to know if Max would be ok or not....his last rescue did not go as expected and now Max is ridden with a ton of guilt because of his actions that hurt not only himself but a little boy as well. Once Bree finds out about the accident she rushes to the hospital to check on Max and ends up being his target when it comes to his lashing out. Tired of being hurt and pushed away she vows she is finally giving up on Max. As much as she loves him she is tired of being just another booty call but will Max wake up and realize all the hurt he has caused her before its to late? Will Bree be able to forgive Max for his playboy ways and trust that he is finally ready to commit?

I absolutley love Max and Bree but I will admit there our lots of times you just want to smack Max upside the head and tell him to wake the hell up!! My heart broke for Bree and the life she had been forced to live. Until Ryan and the Parks family she never felt loved or wanted and then for Max to treat her the way he did really hit home for her but thankfully everything works out in the end and the meathead caveman wakes up so I couldn't be more happy with the ending!!

I can't wait to get my hands on Tanner and Lily's story!! CA Harms...I absolutely love you and can't wait to get my hands on your future books!!



~ Scarred By Love Series ~

Series: Scarred by Love, Book 1
Riley thought she was in love. She thought she found the perfect guy until his aggressive behavior became too much to handle and she ran.

Becoming withdrew from the world and hiding from the chance of loving again. Having four older brothers and a determined best friend she had no choice but to stand strong.

Over time Riley was able to open up once again. She had no idea that the one person she needed was right under her nose.

She was guarded and hesitant when it came to bad boys...after all it was a bad boy that shattered her once before.

Zander wanted the girl from the party. He wanted to be near her even though she continued to push him away. He couldn’t let go of the gorgeous girl with those stormy eyes.

They both had secrets they kept hidden from one another. They found it easier to talk to others than to confide in each other. Riley begins to realize Zander isn't who she thought he was and falling for the sexy voiced Lead Singer/Guitar player may be just what she needs.

They struggle through hard times and learn to trust again. But will the love that grows be enough to hold them together or will the heartache they suffer drive a wedge between them forever.

They could be toxic to one another or they could heal the wounds that run deep within their souls.

Candi's 5* Review:
I really loved this book!! Once I started it, I didn't want to put it down. I was hooked within the first few sentences. I love that this book was told from both Riley and Zander's POV.

After being in an abusive relationship, Riley decides jumping into another one is the last thing she needs...that is until one night at a party she meets Zander. But right after he flirts with her she catches him dancing with another girl and assumes he is just like all other men. After that night, she runs into Zander a few times but any attempt he makes to talk to her she shuts him down. She soon learns from her brother Carson that Zander is not who she first thought and decides to give him a chance.

Zander and his best friend Beth have always been close. After losing his mother to cancer Beth and her family is all he has ever had but does Beth feel the same way about Zander as he does for her? At first she seems ok with Zander and Riley's relationship. She even talks to Riley about what a good guy he is but soon her true colors come out and all I wanted to do was shake Zander to make him see who she really was. Will Zander ever wake up and see who Beth truly is before its to late? Will he lose Riley before he does? There are lots of twists and turns but trust must one click this book now and find out, you won't regret it!!

I loved Riley's 4 older brothers...I am really hoping we get more on them in the future and even more on Riley and Zander!!


Series: Scarred by Love, Book 2
Kate thought she and Carson had finally reached level ground. They had moved in together and were preparing for the arrival of their baby.

She never thought they would only be driven further apart by his withdrawn and distant behavior.

Carson had always had his freedom, and for a moment, he thought he could still live that life.

Only Kate needs more. She can no longer pretend that what he’s willing to offer is enough.

By the time Carson finally realizes that Kate deserves a better life than he’s been giving her, it may be too late.

He may have finally pushed her away to the point of no return…
Candi's 5* Review:
Gahhhhh, OMG, this book was AHH-Mazing!!! From page one I was hooked and could NOT put it down!! I loved Riley and Zander from Scarred by Love, I knew CA Harms would have to do a lot to make me love Kate and Carson just as much and she def did not disappoint!!!

Kate is fed up!! At 7 months pregnant she is tired of being alone. She is tired of fighting for a relationship that seems to be going nowhere! Carson stays gone all the time and half the time he never even comes home so she finally packs her things and moves back in with Riley. Once Carson comes home ready to say he is sorry to Kate for being gone all night...AGAIN, he finds her gone and not just by herself...all of her belongings as well. He goes straight to Riley's knowing it won't be easy but ready to do what it takes to get her back. Will Kate accept his apology and take him back? Will Carson stay true to his word and step up to be a better man or fall back into his old ways?

Be prepared to have your emotions all over the place but you will absolutely love it!!! I will admit that at the beginning I was ready to beat the tar out of Carson but I think once he realizes what he has done to Kate and decides to make changes to be a better man and will totally fall in love with him!! Kate also goes thru some drama with her family as well and there will be a point you will want to jump thru your kindle and want to do harm to a few people but by the end, except for one, you will understand things a little more. The gang def won't disappoint on having you laughing your butt off either. The bachelor/bachelorette party near the end.....OMG, LMAO!!! I loved getting more on Riley and Zander and after the backstory we get on Max, I am sooo ready for his book!! OMG that fire at the end had me on the edge of my seat!! Will Max be ok? Will he change his bad boy ways? Will he finally prove to Bree she is the woman for him before its to late?

I could keep going on and on about this series but I don't want to give anything else away, do yourself a favor and go one click this series now!! I love CA Harms and her books so she will now have a new stalker to add to her list!!


 CA Harms
C.A. Harms is like any other addicted reader. She enjoys happy endings and HEA love stories. She hasn't always been a lover of Romance and had once been addicted to a good Mystery. Just recently she has taken on a new liking and now is a full blown Romance novel addict.

She lives in Illinois and enjoys spending time with her husband and two children. You will always find her with her kindle or paperback in hand as it is her favorite pass time.

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