Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The Last One by Liz Lovelock Blog Tour, Review & Giveaway

Title:The Lost One
Series: Lost #1
Author: Liz Lovelock
 Release Date: September 10, 2014


My name is Melodi White, I had a dream once like every other girl does. Then one day, my dream was torn to shreds, by my sister’s evil boyfriend, Jacob. It’s been three years since she was ripped from my life. She wasn’t just any sister; no, she was my twin, my best friend.

Deciding to follow our childhood dream of moving to New York, I head for a life of adventure and fun. A night on the town and I find myself wrapped in the arms of one gorgeous, drop-dead-sexy man, Corban. He has literally swept me off my feet, taken my breath away with a single kiss and left me wanting more, a feeling completely alien to me.

Corban Andrews, CEO of Case Construction, rich, sexy and ravishing is set to make my world come undone. I allow myself to put my trust in him, but will his rules and my trust issues let us explore what we could have together? It’s either that or am I at risk of staying lost and alone.

When a blast from my past reappears, I know I may be pushed so far down the rabbit hole, Corban and I just may not survive. It all comes down to survival and choices. I have no idea which I will choose.

Candi's 5* Review:

Melodi White is grieving for the loss of her sister Abby who is missing and now presumed dead at the hands of her abusive boyfriend Jacob. To fulfill the dream that she and Abby always had she moves to New York. One night while out on the town she literally smacks right dab into Corban and the sparks between them fly!!
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Corban Andrews is CEO of Case Construction. He is rich, sexy, powerful and turns Melodi's world completely upside down in a good way. The instant connection between the two of them is off the charts but Melodi has a hard time trusting men after what happened to Abby. Just as soon as things are beginning to fall into place for Melodi the one person she never wanted to see again in her whole entire life shows up at work one day. Will Corban be able to help pull Melodi thru it or will she let it spiral her world out of control? Is everything that Melodi has believed for the last 3 years true?

That ending......OH MMMM GEEEE!!!!! I was so excited yet hollllyy crap my jaw was dropping to the floor!!! I can't get book 2 in my hands soon enough!!!

Other than a few I absolutely love the secondary characters!! The banter between Melodi, Flick and Rachel had me laughing my butt off!! I loved Blake as well so I can't wait for more on him as well. Corban's little sister is up to something, I can just feel it and I have my guess about what it is but I guess I'll have to wait patiently.

This book really hits home for me. On Mother's Day 2013 I lost my own sister at the hands of the monster who promised just one year before to love and cherish her more than anything on this planet. I can totally relate to every feeling Melodi and her family goes thru at the loss of losing Abby. I wish things could go the way they do for me as they will for Melodi but all the same......I absolutely LOVED this book!!! Amazing job Liz!!!


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A huge playful smile swipes across his face, which sets my chest racing. “I’m sure you will be fine. Anyway, Melodi, I would love to stay and get to know you a little better, but unfortunately, I have a meeting in about twenty minutes, which I probably shouldn’t be late for.” He reaches his hand out like he is about to shake my hand. You’re seriously not just going to shake my hand!
Surprising me for the second time, he takes my hand, placing a gentle kiss across my knuckles, and then pulls me close, pressing his lips to mine. I taste him; boy, he tastes good. It’s nothing like our kiss the other night. This is more…more sensual.
Savouring the moment, until his cologne drifting around me drives me crazy, igniting a raging fire within me. My arms wrap around his neck, pulling him closer to me. Our kiss becomes more heated.
I remember we are standing in the middle of the footpath when a car goes past blasting its horn. I’m not sure if it’s at us or something else. I slowly pull away, placing one more gentle kiss to his warm lips. Mine already ache from the loss. We stay where we are, holding each other, neither of us wanting to move.
His eyes blaze brighter; I can even see a sparkle. Leaning into me, he whispers, “Until next time, my sweet Melodi.” Feeling his breath on my cheek sends goose bumps over my entire body.

Author Bio

Liz is from bright sunny Queensland, Australia. She has always been a reader. When she was little she would be up late reading Garfield and Asterix comic books and also Footrot Flats. When she hit high school she read Tomorrow When the War Began by John Marsden and from there her love of books continued to grow. She always has a book to read beside her bed along with a note book for when inspiration hits at those crazy hours. 

She is a stationary addict and a one click addict. She loves everything books, authors and of course loves chocolate and lollies to keep her going.

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