Sunday, November 2, 2014

Book Tour, Review & Giveaway: A Beautiful Purpose by Alicia Rae

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Title: A Beautiful Purpose (Beautiful #6) 
Author: Alicia Rae
Genre: Contemporary Romance 18+ 
Publication Date: October 20, 2014
Event Organized By: Literati Author Services, Inc.  


~ Synopsis ~

*Book 6 in The Beautiful Series or Standalone*
All Blake Johnson knows is the life of a Marine. After serving his country for eight years, he returns to his family for some rest and rehabilitation. Fighting an internal war, he battles sleepless nights as images of his former military days haunt him. From the moment Audrey Hampton walks into his life, he is drawn to her. Her beauty leaves him breathless and weak in the knees. She kindles a spark of hope deep within his soul, igniting a part of himself he feared was missing. Her never-ending compassion for others opens his heart in a way he never dreamed. But Audrey is hiding wounds of her own. Returning to Lake Tahoe to care for her ill mother triggers painful childhood memories of her parents’ loveless marriage, reminding her there is no such thing as true love. Will Blake’s resolve be powerful enough to open Audrey’s sealed heart? Or will Audrey fear the past and risk losing the man who could give her life a new found purpose? Can two wounded souls become one?
Candi's 5* Review:
Being a marine for the last 8 years is the only thing Blake Johnson knows and breathes. Haunted and plagued with memories of his time served over the years he is forced to take a little R&R but he knows without a doubt he is going to re-enlist as soon as possible.....that is until he lays eyes on Audrey Hampton.
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Because of the way her parents acted and treated her growing up Audrey does NOT believe in love. She knows the hard way that she must always keep her heart guarded to protect herself....until she meets Blake. She tries to fight her feelings for him but he is determined to not give up on her. If space and time is what she needs than she will get it but Blake is not going away anytime soon. Will Audrey ever open up her heart to love and let Blake in to get the HEA she never thought was possible? Will Blake change the minds of more than just Audrey to prove that love really does exist?
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I can't believe this is really the end of the Beautiful series and even though I am heartbroken that ending was absolutely PERFECT!!! I loved every single character in the Beautiful series and I loved catching up on everyone in ABP. That snippet at the end about Colton and Paige gives me hope that we may get a small glimpse on everyone in the future (at least my fingers are crossed that we will!!) Amazing job Alicia Rae on such a beautiful series!! I can't wait to see what you come up with in the future!!

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~ About the Author ~

Alicia Rae 
 Alicia Rae is a Contemporary Romance Author who lives in Dekalb, Illinois, with her husband and three beautiful boys. Alicia has a passion for reading all types of romance, writing to bring a story to life, and photography. Thank you to my dear sister, Kels, who showed me a few years ago how much I truly missed reading. And to my loving husband, for not throwing away my Nook, and planting the seed of writing into my mind. I am forever grateful. Xo Readers, words cannot thank you enough for supporting me along this incredible journey. I hope you enjoy my novels as much as I do writing them. I thank each and every one of you. Believe in yourself and follow your dreams…    

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$25.00 Victoria Secret Gift Card


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