Thursday, November 6, 2014

Wasted Love by Danielle Jamie Blog Tour, Review & Giveaway

Title: Wasted Love
Series: Brooklyn #1
 Author: Danielle Jamie
 Release Date: October 28, 2014


Prepare to laugh your butt off and become extremely hot & bothered! Brooklyn Bennett breaks the mold when it comes to female heroines she is not your average chick! She loves sex, hot guys, and her best friend Savannah fiercely and has a slight obsession with Jared Leto.


You got to know me in my best friend Savannah’s series. Now it’s my turn to tell you my story and for you to see my best friend's journey to her happily ever after through my eyes.

My life is far from the norm. First off, I’m not your average girl. I’m wild, crazy, and everyone who knows me say’s I’m a free spirit. I guess I am, because I don’t sweat the little things.

Life is too short.

I love hard and live harder. My dream is to become a star and that dream comes first and foremost before anything and anyone...except for my best friend Savannah, who I'd go to hell and back for. At 24 years old, I’m not looking for love. I’m just looking for a good time and a nice distraction after busting my butt on a movie set all week. The thought of falling in love has never crossed my mind. I’m too driven for love and everything that comes with it.

That is until I meet a certain Southern hottie by the name of Dixon Beaumont, who just so happens to be the cousin of Kayden Knox. He flips my world upside down the moment we meet.

The only problem is he’s the male version of me: Career driven and enjoying having a good time with no plans on settling down.

Throw in a bad boy rocker and a sweet Aussie and I find myself going from a simple, carefree life to a full-blown love square. It’s going to be dramatic. But hey, what’s life without a little drama?


Brooklyn is a young, career driven woman. She isn't looking for love, just to have fun. What will happen when a rocker, hot Aussie, and a country boy (and woman lover) all walk into Brooklyn's life and take it by storm?

I have said this more times that I can count, Danielle Jamie sure does know how to write a great book! I loved Brooklyn in The Savannah Series and now that she has her own series she is even BETTER!! You get to see Brooklyn in all her glory. She is a woman who says exactly what is on her mind and she don't really care who likes it and who don't. She is the type of heroine that takes life by the horns and fights for all it's worth. I loved seeing her in a different light. She is one tough cookie!!

I loved getting more of Jax, Xander and of course who could forget Dixon.....each guy brings a different level to the book. As much as I loved Jax and rooted for him in the Savannah Series after reading Wasted Love I can say I still love :) Dixon...well he can be an ass when he wanted to be but he brings out a side of Brooklyn that no one else could.

I love Danielle Jamie's books. They are hot, hot, hot!! She writes original stories that hit just about every emotion on the emotional rainbow. She can make you hurt when her characters hurt. She can make you smile when you least expect it and she can make you want to hurl your kindle at the wall. I look forward to reading more from Danielle Jamie in the future! I can't wait for Heart of Dixon...more Brooklyn and Dixon, Yes Please!



I can feel my bed dip slightly as I sense someone climbing into bed and lying beside me. The heat from their body travels through my thin cami. I know I’m not dreaming as soon as I feel a hand touch my thigh and slowly begin to travel up my side.

I’m lying on my side, facing the large wall of windows that overlook Houston as the moonlight glistens through the room. Other than the light from the moon and the clock on my stand, the entire bedroom in engulfed in darkness.

I blink, trying to get my eyes to focus. Everything is blurry, and my body feels as if it’s still in a dream. I glance towards the glowing clock on the nightstand to see what time it is. It’s just a little after six in the morning; I’ve only been asleep for a few hours.

Rolling onto my back, I raise my hands up above my head to stretch, causing a tiny squeak to slip out of my mouth. Coming into focus beside me is Jax.

Am I still dreaming?

Pinching a piece of skin on my forearm, I shout, “Ouch…I guess I’m not dreaming?” and let out a small giggle.

Jax’s eyes smile down at me, glowing in the moonlight illuminating my bed. “Nope. You’re definitely not dreamin’, baby.” His words, mixed with the sensation of his fingers trailing up and down my thigh, cause my body to erupt in goose bumps. My core tightens with anticipation as his fingers slowly slide higher up my leg and work their way towards my inner thigh.

Closing my eyes momentarily, I inhale deeply before opening my eyes and locking them with Jax’s.

“You came back?”

His hand stops moving, and he gives my leg a gentle squeeze. “I couldn’t sleep. I’ve been tossing and turning in there all night. The image of you half-naked in here with just a thin wall between us was driving me absolutely mad.”

He’s leaning on his left arm, with his head resting in the palm of his hand as his brown eyes search my face. His fingers begin their course again, making their way up my body agonizingly slowly. Just as his fingers get to the edge of my panties, he runs them over the thin fabric separating us, causing my eyes to slam back shut and a shudder to shoot through my sex as it clenches with anticipation of his fingers entering me.

Finally, after what feels like an eternity, he slides the thin fabric of my panties to the side, all the while never taking his eyes off mine. With a perfect pace, he begins moving his fingers over my sex, spreading my juices from my entrance to my clit.

My eyes momentarily roll back as I feel a spark ignite in my core.
“This is your last chance to back out, Brooklyn. Once I start, there’s no way in hell I’ll be able to stop.”


Amazon Bestselling Author and a mother of 3 wonderful kids. Madison 11 Bailey 6 and Finn 3. I run a successful online boutique, Bailey Booper’s Boutique; many of my items featured on Teen Mom 2.

I live in a small town in NY with my husband of 11 years, enjoying my happily ever after. My perfect day is spending time at the beach, I love the Ocean. I’m an outdoorsy type of girl; every chance I get I’m outside walking or running around with my kids.

I have been writing for as long as I can remember but I finally decide to pursue my dreams of sharing my stories with the world when I published my first Novel Irresistible Desire back in March 2013.


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